Friday, April 27, 2012

Connor's Birthday Party

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Tonight was Connor's birthday party at our house. We were going to have a big crawfish/crableg boil with a bunch of kids, but we didn't get enough done to our house in time. So we just had a cookout for the family. The only ones who could make it were Nana and Papa, Bill and Angie, and Scott, Marian, Ellie, and Wyatt. Nucle Jeremy had bronchitis and strept throat, Aunt Tara had strept, and Jax was just getting over it.


They are going to be SO excited when they find out about you. Nana, Papa, Nucle Jeremy, and Aunt Tara have been some of our biggest supporters over the past couple of years as we've gone through this. Nucle Bill and Aunt Angie have been as well. They went through it all themselves, but in the end they were unable to have a child. It will be difficult when we break the news to them. Although they will be excited about you, I know it will be difficult on them to know they were unable to have a child. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to tell them. I don't want them to have to worry about their reaction in person, so I'm thinking sending them something in the mail and then just letting them contact us when they are able may be the best thing.

I'm barely starting to get a little baby bump. It's one that you wouldn't notice if you didn't know how flat my belly was pre-pregnancy. Your daddy and I can see it, though, when I don't have a shirt on or have a fitted tank on. I keep going to the mirror to look at it just to make it seem more real. After trying so hard for so long to make you, it's hard to believe that you are really in my belly. This is really happening!

I Love You!


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