Thursday, April 26, 2012

Connor's School

Dear Baby Dickinson,

I went to Connor's school tonight, Cabot Middle School North, for 4th grade transition night. The 4th graders and their parents visited the school to see what it looks like and to get a feel for next year. I have been elected to be the PTO President for next year, so I knew that I needed to be a part of this. Some of the girls in the PTO have been there for me through much of this infertility process. It was SO hard to not share the news with them about you. Angela Wallace even asked me specifically about how everything was going with the baby thing. I tried to get around the question without lying. I said, "Well, it's going. We go tot he doctor next Thursday to find out our next step." That's all true. She just doesn't know that our next step has to do with the pregnancy rather than fertility.

I Love You!


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