Sunday, April 29, 2012

How Old Are You?

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Pastor James was talking in church today about his new baby girl that was born this past week. Your daddy and I both smiled gleefully the whole time. We both think of you 24/7. We are more excited than you can imagine. If we got pregnant the month we think we did then you are 9 weeks today. I can't wait to go to the doctor Thursday and find out.

I've felt good for the most part today. I have been fatigued, but not so much that I took a nap. It's 9:30pm, though, and I am ready to turn in for the night. We have Connor's track and field day tomorrow, plus I have two assignments for school that are due tomorrow that I have to finish. I have a feeling I'll be extremely exhausted tomorrow night. Until then...

I Love You!!


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