Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wearing Me Down

Dear Baby Dickinson,

A week ago tonight is when we found out about you. It's crazy to think that it's already been that long. I'm glad, though, that we're that much closer to going to the OB and to telling everybody.

You've really knocked me down today. I am completely exhausted. It's like I haven't slept in days, but I have. I have never been the type to take naps, but I have slept on and off all day. I had a headache and nausea the first part of the day, but I've just been really fatigued the rest of the day.

Your daddy suggested tonight that we wait until Mother's Day to tell Nana and Papa. I really don't want to because I am SO ready to tell everyone. We'll have to think more about that one. :-)

I Love You!


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