Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Your Amazing Daddy

Dear Baby Dickinson,

It is so difficult to keep quiet about you. I have never in my life been more excited about something, but I can't tell anybody yet. I keep telling your daddy, Cleo, Bentley, and Russ over and over again just so I can tell someone.

Today was your brother, Connor's, 11th birthday. He is actually your half-brother, but by the time you're old enough to read this you'll be old enough to already know and understand that. Your daddy never gets to spend his son's birthday with him, so I want you to help me with something. Let's make sure he ALWAYS gets to spend yours with you. Of course, this won't always be feasible when you are grown, but we'll make sure it happens until then. He longs for his child to want to spend time with him. I promise to help you see him for the incredible man he is. If you see that, then you'll always WANT to spend that time with him. Your daddy is really an amazing man, and I'd give anything for Connor to see the truth behind it all. Someday he will, though. He'll get old enough that he will figure it all out, and when he does I have a feeling he'll be wanting to spend a lot more time with us.

I talked to my friends Melissa Passini and Angela Wallace today, and I wanted to tell them about you so bad!! They have been SO supportive of me through this whole process, and I am dying to tell them that it has all come true.

I am counting down the days until I get to see you in an ultrasound. It can't get here soon enough!

If you are as far along as I think then you are about 0.63 inches long now. Your "tail" that is actually your spinal cord is disappearing as your spine forms. You are developing eyes and ears, and you have fingers & toes that are webbed.

I Love You!


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