Monday, April 23, 2012


Dear Baby Dickinson,

Your daddy is so excited about you. It's so precious. He is dying to tell people. Finally today we agreed to tell his doctor at the VA, Dr. Goodwin, because we just had to share our excitement with somebody. We are waiting until we are far enough along that we feel you are safe before we share with anybody else, though. We want your brother, Connor, to be the first non-doctor person we tell. Then we want him to get to tell Nana, Papa, MawMaw, and Dandy. We can't get in to the doctor for an ultrasound until May 3rd, though. So we have to wait. It is so hard to keep something quiet that you've wanted so bad for so long. We just want to scream it from the mountaintops.

All the work you're doing inside my body is wearing me out, so I'm going to sleep.

I Love You!

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