Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Confirmed!

Dear Baby Dickinson,

This morning we went to our family doctor because they had to confirm the pregnancy before they could do our referral with our insurance to our OB/GYN. When the nurse confirmed it everything became more real. It still hasn't completely sunk in that you are growing inside me, but it's slowly getting there.

Later I just had to make a trip to Hobby Lobby to pick up some cute scrapbooking baby embellishments. I am so excited about scrapbooking everything about you. I had planned to already start, but tomorrow is Connor's 11th birthday. We're having a birthday party for him Friday night, so I have so much to do for that this week.

I weighed myself today and I was 125 lbs. That's 3 lbs. more than the last time I weighed myself about 2 months ago. Luckily I only had a slight headache today and felt great other than that. So far, so good!

I Love You!


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