Monday, April 30, 2012

Track and Field

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Today was track & field day at Connor's school. I wanted to shout to the whole world "I'M PREGNANT!!" the whole time we were there. It is so hard to keep it quiet.

I felt sorry for your daddy because he gives his all to that little boy, but he gets treated with such disrespect by his mother. He is so excited about you, though, and about finally having a child who is not only allowed, but encouraged, to love him. I think raising you will be a completely different experience for him than it was with Connor. I'm so excited for him to get to be a part of that. He is such a good daddy, and he is going to love you so much. He already does!

Just 3 more days until we go to the doctor! I can't wait! I felt pretty good today... just exhausted. I'm not eating good, though. I need to step that up a notch.

I Love You!!


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