Sunday, July 1, 2012

14 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

The bad thing about living in central Arkansas during pregnancy is I don't have easy access to the Paragould Dairy Queen. I've been craving it bad! You'll understand why someday. That place is GOOD!

We got to hear your heartbeat again Thursday, and we cried again. It just makes it so real when we hear it. Since I still can't feel you move it's the only proof we have that there is really a life in there. It's so cool! I forgot to log your heartbeat, but it was a little lower than last time. I weighed 134 lbs, and my blood pressure was 102/58. We have to wait 5 more weeks for our next appointment, but we'll get to find out your gender at that one! We are so excited so we can start shopping for you!

I am still running, and it feels good when I can make it. I take Bentley with me every time. It's starting to get so hot outside that it's hard to go if I don't go real early, though.

We didn't get the house in Wildwood, so we're still hunting. We're hoping to find something soon. We close on the Fortson house July 27th.

You are now the size of a lemon... about 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces. You're sucking your thumb and wiggling your toes. You're growing peach-fuzz all over your body that will help keep you warm. Just a few more months and I'll be able to wrap you in my arms to keep you warm. :-)

I Love You!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

13 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We had a busy week! We went to a Wounded Warrior Project dinner Monday night. We met a man named Mark Leonard with the Arkansas Freedom Fund, and they're going to loan Daddy an adaptive bicycle for an extended period of time. That is a dream come true!

We got our house listed, and it sold the first day! We went through a few days of negotiations, but the offer came in the first day.

Yesterday we took Connor bowling at the Air Base. It is such a good deal to go bowling there. I can't wait to go with you someday!

We are on the hunt for a new house. We found one we LOVE in the Wildwood subdivision. We put an offer on it, but there is already one other offer on it. We're waiting to hear back. Whatever house we end up with is where you will begin your life, so this is a big deal. This one has a nice pool and a huge fenced in back yard, though, so we are really hoping for it.

I'm feeling good lately. It makes it so hard to not lift things and do activities I shouldn't. I took pics this week about midway through the week (at 12.5 weeks) and today (at 13 weeks).

I had my first weird craving this week... cottage cheese with pickles. Boy did it hit the spot once I ate it, though!

You are now the size of a peach... about 2.9 inches long and weighing about 0.81 ounces. Your body is looking more proportionate. Your head is now about 1/3 the size of your body. You're forming vocal cords and teeth, and you already have fingerprints. Your intestines are moving from your umbilical cord to your tummy.

We get to go back to the doctor this week and hear your heartbeat again. I am so excited! We'll see if Daddy or I can get through it without crying. We haven't yet. :-)

I Love You!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

12 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Today is Father's Day. It's so awesome to be able to give your Daddy a Father's Day gift from you. We went to church this morning, and then we drove up to Newport afterward to see Dandy for Father's Day. We were going to head on up to Paragould to see Papa, but he knew how much we had to get done to our house in Vilonia, so he told us he would see us later in the week to celebrate Father's Day and we could go on back to get some work done on our house. So we headed on back and got a lot of work done to the patio. We even conned Connor into working on it some... but that lasted all of about 10 minutes. :-)

We finally got to a point where we couldn't do anymore without more supplies, so Daddy decided we needed to build an outdoor table out of shipping pallets. I started helping him, but we were nervous about me ingesting chemicals. So he did the rest by himself. It turned out really good.

I helped Connor make a candy bar for his stepdad, Barrett, for Father's Day. I love doing those things with Connor, and I know it makes him feel good to always have homemade gifts for his mom and stepdad at all holidays.

I was able to get back to jogging this week. It felt so good! I go much slower than normal, I don't run as far as normal, and I run with a much shorter stride than normal, but I still do it! I just want to shout to the neighbors "I'm Pregnant!" though because that bump is showing up!

You are now the size of a plum... about 2.1 inches long and 0.49 ounces. Most of your critical systems are fully formed. You're developing your reflexes. If I poke you, you will move. I still can't feel it, though. Your brain is developing fast, and you're opening and closing your fingers and curling your toes. I can't wait to kiss those little toes!

I Love You!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

11 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

My body is definitely changing. I bought my first pair of maternity pants Friday. I'm not really "showing" yet, but I've gained enough weight and my hips have widened enough that I needed some more forgiving pants. I had coffee with Elena Taff Friday, and she convinced me to try a Belly Band. I got one at Target, and it really is cool. I think it will help a lot through the first half of the pregnancy.

Your Nucle Zac got to work with Magic Johnson Friday. I think that is so stinking cool! I loved Magic Johnson when he played for the Lakers!

Daddy and I ate at Cajun's Wharf in Little Rock on the river Friday. It was a very nice date night. It was a little difficult to not share Daddy's Ahi Tuna with him, but it's so worth it to keep you healthy.

I'm really starting to feel much better. I'm definitely not feeling like I do when I'm not pregnant, but I'm getting better. I hope to get back to running soon.

You have now reached the size of a lime... about 1.6 inches long from crown to rump, and you weigh about 0.25 ounces. Your head is about the same size as the whole rest of your body. Your skin is see-through, but you're looking more and more like a baby all the time. Your fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and your tooth buds, hair follicles, and nail beds are forming. It's so exciting to think about how much you are growing and changing in my belly.

I Love You!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We made it Facebook official this week! We went back to the doctor Thursday. We got to hear your heartbeat. The nurse practitioner was able to find it immediately. It was a whopping 177 beats per minute! I weighed 129 lbs., so the weight gaining has begun. My blood pressure was 118/70. Everything looked good, and they believed you were very healthy, so we couldn't keep you a secret any longer. We decided it was time to share you with the world. We received an overwhelming response of support from people on Facebook. It's been fun!

The guy came to look at the house. He liked it, but we haven't heard anything back from him. I'm kinda thinking he won't end up getting it. We have decided to list it with that agent, Kelly Tedder, instead of doing it ourselves like we had originally planned, though. We still have more to get done before she lists it, but it will be soon. It's really looking good.

Tonight I enjoyed our back deck for awhile while we still have it. It was so nice. I poured some organic sparkling apple juice in a wine glass, turned on my Kindle, propped up my feet, looked out through the woods at the beautiful horizon, and listened to the rolling thunder in the background. It was so nice and relaxing. I couldn't help but think of you the whole time.

You're now 10 weeks. You're the size of a prune... about 1.2 inches long and 0.14 ounces. You have working arm joints, and your cartilage and bones are forming. Your vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function. Your fingernails and hair are starting to appear, and you're swallowing and kicking. I can't feel your kicks yet, but I CAN'T WAIT until I can!!

I Love You!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

9 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

You've been kicking my tail this week. I am so fatigued all the time. We are getting a whole lot done to the house, though. We don't have it ready to list yet, but there is a realtor who wants to go ahead and show it to one of her clients. It will show with the understanding that we don't have everything finished  yet, but we will finish it before he takes possession if he wants it. I'm feeling pretty positive about it. I don't know if this guy will buy it, but somebody will.

The hardest thing for me right now, especially while trying to get so much done to the house, is not lifting heavy items. I'm so used to always lifting and carrying real heavy stuff. Everybody keeps getting on to me... especially Nana and Papa.

We get to go to the doctor again this Thursday. I've always disliked going to the doctor, but I look forward to it with you. I know we won't get to see you again, but I'm curious what they will do.

You are now the size of a green olive. Isn't it crazy to think you could ever be that size?!? You're about 0.9 inches long and weight about 0.07 oz. You are officially considered a fetus now... You're no longer an embryo. You're devloping more distinct facial features. I can't wait to get to see that precious little face.

I Love You!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

8 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

You flew again today, and you did great! We had an awesome time in Malibu! It was so exciting to know we were carrying you around with us everywhere we went. We think about you ALL the time! We bought your first Pepperdine shirt. Someday you'll realize how cool that shirt is because it was bought when your Aunt Kerri was graduating with her PhD. That's a huge accomplishment, so that's why we all went out there for her graduation. We are so proud of her!

We did quite a few things with you in my belly while we were out there. We went to the Santa Monica Pier and ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, walked Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood, went to Pink's Hot Dogs, drove the coast, and just enjoyed sme time on campus hanging otu at Nucle Zac and Aunt Kerri's house. We tried to go to Disneyland one day, but sweet Jaxon got sick on the way. We were all so sad for him because he loves Mickey Mouse so much.

I got a bump picture while standing in the bathroom at their house. I think my "bump" is more bloat than baby right now, but it's so funny to me.

You are the size of a raspberry right now... approximately 0.63 inches long and 0.04 oz. You're growing by about a millimeter each day. Although I can't feel it yet, you're moving your arms and legs like crazy. Your taste buds are starting to form, and your fingers and toes are only slightly webbed.

As for me, I'm still just really tired. As long as I eat about once an hour, though, I don't have to deal with too much nausea.

I Love You!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

7 Weeks * 1 Day

Dear Baby Dickinson,

Today, at the size of a blueberry, was your first ever flight. You did great! I opted out of the x-ray while going through security screenings because I just didn't want to take any chances with you. But they did a pat-down and it was all good. We flew from Little Rock to Dallas, and then from Dallas to Los Angeles. Nana, Papa, Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, Jax, and Aunt Kerri picked us up (Nucle Zac was working). We went to their house (awesome house on Pepperdine campus with a beautiful view of the ocean) and rested while some fixed supper. Nucle Zac got home from work, so we decided it was a good time to spill the beans. We let Jax do it again with his shirt. Nucle Jeremy took the best ever picture capturing their reaction. They were SO excited!! It was really fun! Everybody loves you already!

I Love You!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

7 Weeks

Dear Baby Dickinson,

It's Mother's Day! The last two Mother's Days have been sad for me because I longed so much for you. Today was so awesome, though! Daddy gave me flowers, a sweet card, and an Under Armor aerobic outfit. After church we took Nana, Papa, Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, and Jaxon to the airport, then we went up to MawMaw and Dandy's in Newport. We gave MawMaw a Mother's Day gift similar to the picture frame we gave Nana & Papa. They all congratulated us.

We had our pictures made outside in MawMaw's campaign shirts (she's running for her third and last term as state representative) and then hung out outside for a bit. I got sick again and had to run in and throw up. If it means I get to have you, though, I'll take it!! :-)

I Love You!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

6 Weeks * 6 Days

Dear Baby Dickinson,

You taught me my lesson today: Always keep food handy! Apparently I need to eat at least once an hour. If I don't I get sick. Today we were at Aunt Tara's graduation and I started getting hungry. I checked my purse and didn't have anything to eat. Suddenly I was so hungry and weak that I thought I would vomit. Your Papa is ALWAYS prepared for EVERYTHING, so I asked him if he had food. He went to his car and came back with a granola bar to save the day. Lesson Learned!

We went to eat at a pizza place in Jonesboro after graduation to celebrate Aunt Tara. Daddy and Jax were so cute together.

I Love You!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

6 Weeks * 5 Days (based on the new due date)

Dear Baby Dickinson,

I forgot to mention yesterday that they changed your due date to December 30th, which seems more accurate to me. We told Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, and Jaxon today. They are so excited! They have been praying hard for you to be created. We put a shirt on Jax that said I'm the Big Cousin...

... Then he walked into the room where Aunt Tara was and told her to look at his shirt. Her reaction was cute.

Nucle Jeremy was in bed sick, so we had Jax go show him the shirt, too. He was excited and responded with as much excitement as he could considering his horrible headache.
Nana, Papa, Aunt Tara, Jaxon, Daddy, and I (and, of course, you) went to eat at Red Goose Deli afterward. Tomorrow is Aunt Tara's graduation.
I Love You!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

6 Weeks * 5 Days

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We got to see you today. You are so tiny that it's hard to see you. You're somewhere between the size of a grain of rice and a blueberry, so you aren't that easy to spot. The best thing, though, was that we got to hear your heartbeat. It was 119 beats per minute. Your daddy and I both cried with joy. We were so elated it made the nurse cry. We can't even begin to tell you how excited we are. They say you look healthy and that we're safe to fly, so we'll be leaving Monday for California. First we're going to tell Nucle Jeremy, Aunt Tara, Jaxon, and all of Daddy's family about you.

I Love You!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

6 Weeks * 4 Days

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We get to see you again tomorrow! I'm so excited about going back to the doctor and seeing you again! I've been feeling pretty good today for the most part. Daddy and I worked on the patio some more. We drove down to Sherwood to look at the house Nucle Jeremy and Aunt Tara put an offer on yesterday. Then we ate at Smokin' Buns BBQ on Hwy 107 in Jacksonville. That place is awesome! We ran by Scott & Marian's to pick up Connor's birthday present from MawMaw and Dandy, and little Wyatt is really growing. He's 5 months old now. We also talked about your name. As of right now these are our choices:

BOY: Brantley Reise
GIRL: Marlee

We don't have a girl middle name picked out yet, but I like Adele. :-)

I Love You!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

6 Weeks * 3 Days

Dear Baby Dickinson,

I've felt a little sick all day. Nothing too severe, but it's been enough to keep me from going too long on any chore. I got some things done to the house, then I'd have to sit and rest. We want to get this house listed the first of June, so we have a lot to get done. In case you're ever curious abotu where we lived when I was pregnant with you, it's

12 Fortson Rd.
Vilonia, AR 72173

I think it'll be cool for you someday to look back on all of this. I know I wish I could look back on what your Nana & Papa's life was like when they were pregnant with me.

I Love You!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

6 Weeks * 2 Days

Dear Baby Dickinson,

I had my first official vomit today since the beginning of this pregnancy. I actually had one a few weeks ago, but it turned out that one was before you were created. So this was my first. It wasn't that bad, though. It was just proof to me that I need to eat something when I first wake up in the mornings. It also didn't bother me because I know it means you are growing in my belly. I'll take that!

Nana texted today to tell me she wants to buy your baby bed. Papa keeps texting to see how I'm feeling. They're so cute. They are so excited about you!

Daddy and I have both rested all day. We've not felt like doing much of anything. I guess we both needed to catch up. I'm about to rest some more.

I Love You!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

6 Weeks * 1 Day

Dear Baby Dickinson,

We told Nana & Papa!! As we knew they would be, they were SO excited!! Nana immediately started crying. Papa was so proud! I made a black and yellow picture frame that said "UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2012." We let Connor give it to them, and to throw them off he said, "Thank you for taking me to Disney World," when he handed it to them. (They took Daddy, Connor, and me to Disney World last summer.)

We also got to surprise Daddy with the patio today. That was cool. He was really surprised. It still has a lot of work to be done, but we made a lot of strides.

This was an awesome end to a fun, but exhausting weekend. Now to get some rest.

I Love You!!